Wireless for the People.
The Helium Mobile Network radically shifts the power and ownership of connectivity into the hands of the people.
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For the many.
Not the few.
The Helium Mobile Network puts the power of connectivity into the hands of communities - away from Big Telco. Hotspots can be deployed anywhere lots of people visit, providing Carrier Offload services.
Crowd-built Cellular.
The Helium Mobile Network is an expanse of people-owned Hotspots and existing Wi-Fi networks that provide cellular services to phones and other devices in exchange for HNT or USD.
Helium is used by many major US carriers as an offload solution for when faster, better, or more affordable coverage is needed.
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Learn about HNT
Unlock the full potential of your network.
The Helium Mobile Network can be built using any Passpoint-capable access point. Monetize your existing deployments, and extend outside cellular signal into your premises with Helium Plus.
Don't have a compatible existing network?
Helium Mobile Hotspots allow anyone to create Helium Network coverage anywhere.
Indoor Hotspot
Indoor Hotspots are great for filling an indoor space with Helium Mobile coverage. Ideal locations are restaurants, shops, and gyms.
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Outdoor Hotspot
Outdoor Hotspots create outdoor Helium Mobile coverage. Ideal locations are plazas, stadiums, and city streets.
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